Leading Forward: Building Healthy Leaders for Healthy Organizations
The Leading Forward podcast features conversations on the connection between healthy leaders and healthy organizations. Each episode is hosted by Matthew Hall and a member of the Leading Forward hosting team featuring Ben Dockery, Andrea McDaniel Smith, and Vivek Sarin.
Leading Forward: Building Healthy Leaders for Healthy Organizations
Jeffrey Bilbro on How the News Is Shaping You
Season 1
Episode 10
Jeffrey Bilbro is an Associate Professor of English at Grove City College, editor-in-chief at the Front Porch Republic, and the author of Reading the Times: A Literary and Theological Inquiry Into the News. On this episode of Leading Forward, he joined Matthew Hall and Ben Dockery for a conversation about how the news is shaping us and how leaders can more intentionally build media disciplines that will prove healthy and sustainable for their organizations.
Links from this episode:
- JeffBilbro.com
- @jeff_bilbro
- Grove City College
- Front Porch Republic
- Reading the Times: A Literary and Theological Inquiry Into the News
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